Jeff Stein and Arcosanti

As the snow falls this Sunday afternoon in late winter, my mind drifts to the Arizona desert where Jeff Stein directs the Arcosanti project.  Here is a summary description of  Arcosanti.  Visit the website and support Arcosanti . Jeff Stein and his wife Emilie Altemose have a home in Wayland, Massachusetts and are friends of the church I serve as pastor.

Arcosanti is an urban laboratory focused on innovative design, community, and environmental accountability. Our goal is to actively pursue lean alternatives to urban sprawl based on Paolo Soleri’s theory of compact city design, Arcology (architecture + ecology).

Built by over 7,000 volunteers since the commencement of the project in 1970, Arcosanti provides various mixed-use buildings and public spaces where people live, work, visit, and participate in educational and cultural programs.

photo by Tomiaki Tamura

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